Would you want to read this book series about amulet?
Would you want to read this book series about amulet?
fun fun
awesome always
incredible to
like my friend
too fun to
I was excited because we were going to A five-star rated Thai restaurant. It was super good,and yummy I also thought I’d sit by my mom and dad,but I sat by my grandparents.I ate 2-star noodles,and orange chicken. It was yummy .
That night I was super happy because apparently my mom took me to the best Thai food place in the world that was rated a five-star on Ticktock. Oh, and also, for the first time I tried black sticky rice! It wasn’t my favorite, but I took two bites. My mom, dad, aunt, uncle and grandparents all pretty much liked it. Then it was time to open presents! I was super excited about it because who knows what my grandparents are going to get me! Once they even got me a $200 RC car. I opened my gift and I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was an electrical skateboard. “SO AWESOME!!!” , I said.
I was sad because I couldn’t ride my skateboard yet because we were still at the restaurant. It disappointed me. Then I was happy because the next day at 9:30 a.m. I could ride it for the first time. I started on five miles per hour, and then I went to 10 miles per hour, then I went to 13! The last one is 18 miles per hour which I couldn’t do because my parents didn’t want me to go that fast yet.
The next morning I took a ride on my electrical skateboard and my friend came out. They wanted to try, so I let them because I’m a good friend. I played until lunch time with my electrical skateboard, it was fully charged and it lasted about 3 hours. After lunch we played some video games. “I love video games” I said.
I rode my skateboard the whole entire day. I liked it,actually I loved it.It was probably the funnest thing I have ever done because I did it with my friend. THE END
I was waiting for my uncle to get to my house because I was super excited to play Zelda with him. but you wasn’t there yet so I had to play on my own for 20 more minutes. “YouTube!” I said.
20 minutes had passed and my uncle was at my house by then so we played Zelda,and after we played Zelda we went to the Petco by our house and we got crickets for my leopard gecko.after we got crickets for my leopard gecko we went bowling for a little bit my uncle won in the end but it was super fun still !!! “good game,” I said.
After we had played Zelda we watched YouTube for a little bit. then we went on a bike ride and I skinned my knees up it was really painful, and not too long after that my mom actually pushed me off my scooter on accident and my knees got so skinned up,and I had to pull my skin off it hurt so bad,and I didn’t want to but my mom wanted me to because she didn’t like other dead skin that was hanging off looked really gross to her. I actually didn’t mind pulling it off except the fact that it just hurt when I tried to pull it off,so I just didn’t pull it off and tell my mom made me.
The night I skinned my knees was pretty painful I couldn’t put blankets on my knees or wear pants,and it was super sensitive right there where I fell. and I didn’t like the way it felt when I wore pants so I had to wear shorts which I didn’t mind unless the shorts were super long.,” Auwwwwwwwwwwww!!!,”I said.
Every morning from that day on I fed a gecko on the mornings all the weeks and the weekends I from now on have an interesting playmate. the end.